Sunday, October 17, 2010

Dean Scontras Reflection

I was left scratching my head when he said that the country's national debt is $13 trillion. . . WHERE DID THAT COME FROM?! 3 years ago it had hit 3 trillion. My opinion on this is that he might be lying (likely) or the debt really is 13 trillion (unlikely). Who knows? Oh! Mom just told me it really is 13 trillion. . . oh well, but I really believe we should cut spending and pull out of Afganistan, it's putting a strain on our economy. The U.S. shouldn't be sticking its nose into other countries' business. If they call for aid, then fine we'll help, but we shouldn't be policing the whole world, it's ridiculous.

First, I learned not to trust people in fancy suits (except Chace), and second, I learned that taking a politician at face value is a bad idea. You never know what kind of person they really are, all this campaigning can cloud your judgement, you can make assumptions and say things about candidates that aren't true. I thought that all Republicans were jerks, but here comes Dean Scontras and he changes the way I see politicians. I still don't like Republicans, I don't like politicians in general anyway, but I don't let what I see, read or hear about them affect how I view them as people. You have to meet them, talk to them, get to know them before you start assuming things. The same is true for anyone you meet.

The three questions that I have about the gubernatorial race are: Why do candidates "attack" other candidates in their ads? It makes them look like jerks every time. Politicians lie, why not tell the truth? People would be more likely to vote for them. Why are independants less likely to get support? They are way cooler than Republicans and Democrats.

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